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- 💪Why Books & Biceps Readers are Joining Premium Flex
💪Why Books & Biceps Readers are Joining Premium Flex
4 testimonials and 2 membership tiers you'll love...
Welcome to a special Tuesday edition (soon to be regular for Premium Flex Members) of Books & Biceps!
If you missed Friday’s announcement in ISSUE #300 of this newsletter about the game changing next evolution of our B&B crew you can read it now.
Or you can check out these initial responses to our new Premium Flex Membership by some fellow readers here:

or here:

or here:

and more to the point:

The energy for this Premium Flex offering is palpable. The enthusiasm is off the charts. I had a hunch it would be!
I love this newsletter. I love this community. I do everything I can to find books that will resonate with you, authors you’ll be interested in, workouts you’ll dig and motivation to get you pumped, and share original columns and dude/dad stuff along the way.
Now we’re going to level up together and we’ve got TWO TIERS of membership to get you there: one offers the full Premium Flex experience while the other is more bare bones and may be a better fit for you. You’re a sophisticated meathead, you want options. Pick the one that suits you best.
Whether you’ve been reading Books & Biceps for one issue or one hundred, it would mean the world to me if you became a Premium Flex Member.
We’ve built this together. Now let’s grow together.
REMEMBER: The 1st Issue of Premium Flex comes out June 4th, then the membership fee for the top tier goes up.
PS: Here’s a breakdown of the entire Premium Flex BEST membership offering if you need a refresher:
💪 Membership in the Books & Biceps Brigade, our NEW Monthly Reading Crew:
We start a new book the first week of every month together
I share weekly thoughts/ideas and supplementary reading/rabbit holes
You are invited to a LIVE Video Book Hang with occasional Special Authors and Guests the last Friday of every month
💪 Access to the NEW Books & Biceps Premium Flex Teams Group
Recommend books/articles
Meet other B&B readers
Share workouts
Chat with me
Talk smack
Plan offline hangouts and more…
💪 Access to the NEW Books & Biceps Premium Flex Tuesday Newsletter
💪 Access to my Full Meathead Media Digital Library for FREE ($100 value):
Jocks In Chief
The Dadvantage
Dominique Wilkins Biography
Meathead Movie Workouts Vol. 1
The Night the Legend of the Driveway was Born & more…
💪 Access to the Full Freelance Fortune Writing Course FREE ($250 value)
(90-minute video + 3 ebooks)
💪 Free 1st chapters of: Macho Man, 1996, Hoops Heist & ALL FUTURE BOOKS…
💪 Premium Flex-Only Columns
💪 10% off Everything in the Flex Factory Store
💪 6+ NEW Yearly Fitness Challenges with Workouts, Milestones & Goals to Keep You Jacked, Motivated & Improving
→ NOTE: The Friday issue IS and ALWAYS will be FREE!
