💪Books & Biceps - Issue 251

My perfect photo of the Rocky IV Drago location, hiking the Grand Tetons, the Midnight Library and...

Welcome to the hundreds of brilliant meatheads who joined our Books & Biceps crew this week. If someone shared this with you, you can join nearly 3,000 of us getting smarter and stronger every week here:

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I’ve been reading some heavy historical non-fiction for our summer trip through Wyoming, Montana and Yellowstone (more on that shortly) and I finished the 500 page epic Empire of the Shadows, which I recommended last week the night before our trip. With that done, I wanted to read a cool novel or something sci-fi. Basically, far away from non-fiction.

When I fly, I bring a book or two I have lined up to read and I have a few I’m looking forward to getting to, but I also cruise the airport bookstore to see if something jumps out at me on a whim. Sometimes nothing hits me.

This time, The Midnight Library, caught my eye. I’ve passed the book a thousand times. I’ve seen references to how great it is but I never picked it up. This time, I had time to kill before our flight so I flipped through a few pages and I was hooked.

The gist of the book is that before you die, you get stuck in an in-between period, AKA, the Midnight Library. In the library are an infinite number of books about your life, each with how your life played out if every single decision you made was different. To help guide you, you can read your Book of Regrets that has been written your whole life and is a list of, you guessed it, all the things you regret: a job you didn’t go for, a skill you quit, a person you broke up with or never asked out, a trip you never took or did take, etc…

As you read all the regrets you’ve piled up, you can sample other lives you’ve lived in other universes. Also, the main character in this book is a swimmer.

The book is fun and brilliant and makes you think about your life. It’s a fast read, but lingers in your mind for a long time. Loved it. Check it out.


We are in the midst of a two-week trip in and around the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. We’ve hit the gym a few mornings and I’ve done some laps in the pool with a mountain view, but this is a full-on outdoor workout week. Hikes, whitewater rafting, long walks and more hikes.

And the views… wow. These are the Grand Tetons… even cooler, this is where Stallone’s famous mountain scenes in Rocky IV were filmed.


From the iconic movie:

The toughest hike of the week so far was when my boy laid down the gauntlet and challenged us to hike UP a double black diamond ski trail. We could barely see the top of the trail from the base of the mountain but we made it. Incredible and super proud of my son:

And forget cold plunges or sitting in an ice tub. That’s lame… You want to really feel the effects of cryo?.. How about jump out of your white water raft into the 40 degree Snake River (icy from snowmelt) and float around for a while. Felt phenomenal:

Quick Flexes

If you’re ever in the Denver Airport, find this gem. Worth the walk:


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Thank you all for reading.

Have a great weekend! - Jon


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