💪Finkel's Fast Five 141 - October 9th, 2020

Welcome to Finkel's Fast Five #141. Thanks for reading and subscribing!  ONE  MOVIES - Top Gun. Pearl Harbor. Dunkirk. All of these films have insane fighter pilot scenes (AKA: dog fights)... but how much of the high-flying, Mach-2, machine-gunning action is really possible and how much of it is made up to look bad ass on screen?  If you've wondered this, like I have, then you will love this 18-minute video with fighter pilot Christine "Grinder" Mau, as she walks through video of our favorite fighter pilot scenes/lingo/moments and calls bullshit or not. Now you'll know what being 'painted' is, whether 'guided' missiles can really chase a plane and whether pilots really catapult up to the sun to lose an enemy. I loved every second of it.


 MEAT - I talked about 'Butcher Box' a few FF5 issues back and I have to say it's allowed us to keep the meat train rolling in the Finkel household. I've had six, 4 oz. filets in our freezer for a week and on Monday I made filet mignon at home myself for the first time.  I've been using Gordon Ramsey's technique for the perfect strip steak for a while, and it is absolutely delicious, so I went back to the well and found this video on how to make the perfect filet...and... I'm not going to be modest here... I crushed it. The filets I made were awesome, fancy, steakhouse quality. And it took like 8 minutes. Here's the video. Now go cook some meat.


 SPEED - You know who was absurdly, cartoonishly fast? Rocket Ismail. Sometimes when my son sprints down the street I'll call him Rocket and I finally dialed up some YouTube highlights for us and nothing has changed.  Rocket could flat out fly. He is the only Notre Dame player I have ever liked and one of maybe 10 college players who I'd go out of my way to watch if they were on (and Notre Dame, for better and mostly worse - sorry, Chris) is always on. If you forgot what otherworldly speed is, then watch this kick return against Michigan. An absolute burner.


 MUSCLES - I came to the magnificent wonder of pull-ups, chin-ups and all the 'ups' variations pretty late in my meathead life. I used to hate doing them because, you know, they're hard. Now I do sets of them 3-4 times a week, even on off days. I use chains, different grips, and all kinds of different maneuvers to jack my body up the bar.  Lately, I've been taking my kids to a fitness trail at a cool lake by our house and they have pull-up bars. My 7-year-old son can now do two, which is amazing (here is an awesome sunset shot of him getting after it). We went the other day and a man walking asked how to learn to do them, so I shared tips that have worked for me: starting with dead hangs and increasing times, then hanging at various stages of the pull, then sets of one, etc... I found this great article that spells out most of it. So if you're interested in upping your pull-up game, go for it. It's never too late and you will get bigger arms, wider shoulders, a thicker back and...better posture! Here it is.


 A favorite quote about eating right:  "To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art."  - La Rochefoucauld

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