Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #11

April 13th, 2018

The pre-workout drink I use to defeat sleepiness at 5am: I am confident that Roald Dahl's BFG snuck into our house on Monday evening and gave everyone nightmares. The dog woke up barking at 1am, my son woke up at 2:45am in a cold sweat and my daughter came downstairs at 4am sniffling. Then my alarm went off after 5am to workout and I willed myself out of bed and into the kitchen to mix some Pre Jym Pre Workout. Once that kicked in I was lit up. This pic is proof. (1/3 scoop in water works for me. A full scoop might have me trying to squat my SUV).  The best thing I watched this week: I grew up a HUGE wrestling fan, so needless to say I was extremely excited about HBO's Andre the Giant documentary and it lived up to all expectations. Brought me right back to my giddiness heading into WrestleMania III and Andre vs. Hulk Hogan. Can't recommend it enough. Here's the trailer.  An awesome photo of Arnold, Andre and Wilt: The above-mentioned documentary had people posting their favorite photos with Andre all week and this one is my favorite. It's from the set of Conan The Destroyer and it is peak Arnold looking like a shrimp next to The Stilt and The Giant.  A terrific piece of feature writing that bummed me out: Sports Illustrated is up for sale. Again. It was easily the most iconic sports media brand of my lifetime until about ten years ago. For a majority of my writing career, a byline in SI meant more than a byline anywhere else. It was the mountaintop. Now? I hate typing this...But it's almost irrelevant. Michael MacCambridge's piece on the legendary magazine's demise is incredibly well-written...and incredibly sad for those of us raised as sports fans on its pages.  A tremendously well said quote I can't get out of my head: "I've seen a look in a dog's eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced basically that dogs think humans are nuts." - John Steinbeck, long before #NationalPetDay

Have a great weekend and try to avoid being stared at with a vanishing look of amazed contempt.

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