💪Finkel's Fast Five Issue 113 - March 27, 2020

Welcome to Finkel's Fast Five #113. Thanks for reading and subscribing! - Jon  Week 2 of "The Quarantine" is done and I am continually reminded of the famous Jim Rohn line that "you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with." This week my son was convinced that his fart killed a mosquito and my daughter tried to make slime with toothpaste and hand soap... So if Rohn's quote has any truth to it, I'm in big trouble. Moving on...  Huge congratulations to everyone who gutted out "I'll Be Back" Workout Week with me!!!  Several hundred of us cranked out the Arnold-Inspired workouts over the past five days (Predator was brutal!) and you all deserve applause. If you missed out, you can download all 5 Arnold workouts for free here.  Or you can start with 'Eye of the Tiger' Workout Week. It's also free and you can download it right here.   I appreciate all of you who have written me and sent in videos/photos of you doing the workouts. Keep'em coming! And I've got another awesome movie-themed home workout week coming at you Sunday night.  And with that, on to our regularly scheduled Fast Five...


BOOKS - By any definition, I'd say the last few weeks would qualify as a turbulent time in history... And it reminded me of a book I'd been wanting to read for a while by author/historian, Doris Kearns Goodwin.  Her book is called, appropriately, Leadership: In Turbulent Times and she profiles Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR and Lyndon Johnson as they navigated unique and unprecedented situations that occurred while they were in office. One fascinating aspect of this book (which is only possible to understand when viewing things through the long lens of history) is how originally unpopular many of the historically popular decisions these men made were. Goodwin's breakdown of how these presidents ignored large swaths of advisors and trusted their own character and instinct to navigate crises is my favorite part. It's the perfect book to read right now.


 SNACKS - While much of the country stocked up on paper towels, I myself chose to load up on something much more useful: protein. In particular, beef jerky.   Long time FF5 readers know my love and appreciation for flavored, dried meats...and I believe I have a new favorite: Duke's Honey Bourbon Beef Brisket Strips. These little slabs of beautiful aged beef have a slightly different texture than regular jerky, complete with a nice, honey/sweet finish. Yeah, I talk about jerky like wine dorks talk about wine. So what? 12g of protein. Almost nothing else. Check'em out.


DOCUMENTARY - The Joe Exotic documentary has rightfully taken its place among pop culture trends, but a different Netflix doc about prison basketball in San Quentin caught my eye recently and I gave it a shot and I'm very conflicted about it.  The documentary is called Q-Ball (Q for San Quentin) and it follows the Golden State Warriors'-affiliated basketball team inside the prison. The inmates take the team very seriously, with coaches, practices, cuts and a season filled with games against volunteer teams from the outside world who drive to the prison to play. There are a few true ballers on the team and the director introduces the guys all as athletes...before he drops the hammer about what these guys are in prison for. Like I said, it's conflicting. On one hand, you have basketball and the ability to use it as a way of rehabilitating these guys... On the other, many of them have done horrible things. It really messes with your head. Here's the trailer.


POP CULTURE - My favorite silver lining to this current situation we're in is the trend of actors and athletes taking time to answer fan questions on Instagram videos.  I've seen some really great Q&As from The Rock and Kevin Hart and leaders like Jocko Willink, but I also like when my man Sly Stallone gets in the mix. This short answer session is packed with cool info, from which Rocky movie he's most proud of to who he idolized as a kid and more. It's three minutes but very cool... And he's got a sweet home gym, as you'd imagine.


 A great quote for parents stuck home with their kids 24/7:  “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”   – Nelson Mandela   VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: To make sure you keep getting the FF5, please add [email protected] to your address book or whitelist us.

Share the FF5 and get TREMENDOUS STUFF:  1 SHARE = Enters you into a raffle to win a free copy of one of the books I mention here in the FF5. I'll do a drawing every 10 issues, but you have to forward the FF5 to a friend to enter.  3 SHARES = 1 Abe Lincoln as Tyler Durden Fight Club Sticker - perfect for your laptop, office, fridge or on your squat rack like Tommy John  10 SHARES = 1 Official Finkel's Fast Five Coffee Mug like this one that my man Marlin won last year  25 SHARES = If you share Finkel's Fast Five with 25 friends who you think would like it, I will take you to the movies... (well, not literally) ...but I will Venmo you money for a ticket to your next movie, on me. We'll cap this at 4 people for now.  FORWARD TO A FRIEND RIGHT HERE  DID SOMEONE FORWARD YOU THIS E-MAIL? GET MY FREE STARTER LIBRARY HERE  FYI: The sharing of the FF5 is cumulative... You don't have to share this e-mail 10 times if you don't want to. It can be 10 issues over 10 weeks or 10 months, whatever... The point is, please share it. We've grown from less than a hundred to a few hundred to a few thousand readers in under two years... Let's see how fast we can get to 10,000! - Jon

And if you haven't yet, you can buy my new book, Jocks in Chief, which ranks every president athletically, right here.


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