Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #13

April 27th, 2018

This is how Sylvester Stallone brainstorms and writes Creed 2: I'm as big of a Rocky homer there is and I've been known to defend the finer points of Rocky V and Rocky Balboa to anyone who will listen. That being said, I'm always interested in the process of other writers and this glimpse Stallone shared of his notes for writing Creed 2 is really cool. Old school spiral notebooks and pads like the rest of us.  A theoretical breakdown of what it would cost to run Westworld: I was a bit late to Westworld but now I'm all in - meaning I'm completely confused. However, CNBC writer Abigail Hess took a stab at figuring out something I've been wondering since I started watching the show, which is, in real life, would Westworld cost ten trillion dollars to build? Here is her financial analysis and it feels somewhat accurate.  My new non-ice cream sundae high protein snack before bed: My 92-year-old grandfather has eaten an ice cream sundae every night for about 70 years straight, so maybe that's the secret to longevity... But for those of us who are mere mortals, nightly ice cream may not be the best option. Lately I've been mixing a scoop of chocolate protein powder in a cup of greek yogurt and putting it in the freezer for an hour or so before eating. It's not Ben & Jerry's, but it does the trick and has about 40 grams of protein.  This was my favorite photo re-enactment on Twitter this week: Heisman Trophy Winner and future Browns Pro Bowl quarterback Baker Mayfield broke out some tight jean shorts and a giant cordless phone to recreate Brett Favre's famous draft night photo and it's fantastic. Here are the photos side by side.   A tremendous quote I was recently reminded of: "Commitment separates those who live their dreams from those who live their lives regretting the opportunities they have squandered." - 11x NBA Champion and Boston Celtics Legend, Bill Russell  SIDE NOTE: I was reminded of some of the incredible things Russell said while visiting with a legend I'm lucky enough to call a friend, "Mean" Joe Greene. He was in awe of Russell and is one of the few people Mr. Greene ever asked an autograph from. I thought that was cool...what's not cool is how I look like a little kid standing next to him in this photo. Ha.  Have a great weekend and don't live your life regretting the opportunities you've squandered.  If you're loving this newsletter please share it with your friends.

- Jon


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