Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #152

John Thompson, Comeback Sauce, USC Linebackers, Bruce Lee and push-ups


Vintage 80s and 90s Big East Basketball is some of my favorite college hoops of all-time… And if you know what I’m talking about, then one of the men who loomed largest over that conference and time period was the late Georgetown coach and mentor, John Thompson. His autobiography with Jesse Washington just came out and whether you knew about ‘Big John’ or not, his was a life worth reading more about. Excited to dive into this.


Decided to treat myself (and the family) on Tuesday night with some cast-iron New York Strip, fresh-made steak fries and homemade Comeback Sauce. Not to brag or anything, but everything tasted spectacular (and it looked spectacular too). The ‘Comeback Sauce’ I made was as good as any in a restaurant. And super easy: mayo, ketchup, Worcestershire Sauce, salt, pepper, pinch of paprika and a drizzle of honey. Mix.


I’ve been meatheading out the last three months with a heavy bench press routine and wanted to take a week off and just do some bodyweight stuff from different angles. I don’t mind freelancing a bit, but I found this full chest/back push-up routine and it looked cool so I tried it. I did five rounds. Lots of variations. Crushes your chest. No weights needed. Give it a shot.


I had no idea that 5 of the 12 linebackers on USC’s depth chart from the 1989 team had passed away before the age of fifty, including Junior Seau. You probably didn’t either. Michael Rosenberg wrote this excellent piece recently about these tragedies and how they may be linked. It’s excellent old school reporting and writing.


“As you think, so shall you become.”

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