Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #21

June 22nd, 2018

This is the best-named beer of the summer, hands down: Since moving to Dallas many years ago I have become a big fan of Fort Worth's Rahr and Sons Brewery. They're known for good canned beer and clever names, so when they unveiled THIS beer, I shouldn't have been surprised. I'm not bilingual, but Goodbye Pants is a tremendous name in any language.  It was impossible for me not to watch this video of WWE wrestlers in a tug-of-war contest with a lion: Do I really need to say anything else? This lioness is incredible. Here's the video courtesy of the San Antonio Zoo.  This futuristic speed-reading app was recommended by a loyal reader: My good buddy Jess, also known as Ace, texted me about this Spritz reading app that digests books or online articles and then blasts the words out in an easy-on-the-eyes, easy-to-read format. It's weird and awesome and hard to explain, but I'm going to try my first book with it soon. Try it for yourself.  When a swimmer is on the cover of National Geographic for a story about tech and performance I am 100% in: This fantastic cover story by Christine Brennan, called How Technology and Smarts Push Athletes to the Limits, dives (get it, dives?) into all the ways that modern science is catapulting today's physical specimens to do things that once seemed impossible for a human 100 years ago. Great read with some cool infographics, especially about world records.  A tremendously written sentence from a biography about a tremendously complicated man:  "The great Cuyahoga River burst into flames in 1969, spurring the modern environmental movement and remaining an enduring symbol of a city so dysfunctional that even its water could not be trusted to extinguish flames." - Dave Zirin from his book, Jim Brown: Last Man Standing  Have a great weekend and hopefully your city isn't so dysfunctional its water can be counted on to extinguish flames!  10% OFF TENZO TEA SPECIAL OFFER! After I wrote about Tenzo Tea's awesome matcha green tea a few weeks ago many of you e-mailed me asking about it. I reached out to Steve, the founder of the company, and he agreed to give loyal FF5 readers 10% off any order and make the FF5 an affiliate. Just use THIS LINK and type in the code: JON10. The 3.53 ounce bag should last you at least a month. 

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- Jon


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