Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #22

June 29th, 2018

My laptop is gross. Yours is too. Here's my gift to you: This article from New York Times writer Whitson Gordon should be a public service piece. Between kids playing on it, food, dirty fingers, more food, nasty human things and general dirt and grime, keyboards and laptops are havens for filth. This article tells you how to clean yours up.  A long time ago I decided to read one Stephen King book every summer: I wrote an entire post about why, titled, 'How Stephen King's Books Saved Me From Being a Literary Loser', which you can read if you want. Suffice to say, I've never regretted it. Just started reading King's new book, The Outsider, and, well... There's just nobody who creates characters, scenarios and scenes like King. He is a true master and so far, I highly recommend it. Buy it here.  Ever wonder what it would be like if a whale shark swam under your fishing boat? It'll take a while for you to digest this absolutely insane underwater shot from @oceancollectivemedia. The fish could probably swallow the entire boat and everyone in it...or flip it 100 yards with its tail. Either way, it's an incredible photo and an account you should follow.  Nine years ago this week my wife surprised me with our new puppy, Mr. P, and my first-born four-legged son has been my best buddy ever since: I asked the old man what he wanted to do to celebrate the week and he said he wanted to run sprints on a football field like the old days, so we walked to our town field and had a great time. Here's a photo of the two of us, winded but happy together, as always.  A tremendously written sentence about a place called Mud Volcano:  "Huffing and puffing, channeling clouds of diaphanous mist, the sloping hills around what has been dubbed Mud Volcano in the lower reaches of Hayden Valley provide major clues that you are now traveling over the top of an active volcanic caldera." - Todd Wilkinson, National Geographic's, Yellowstone: The Science and Splendor of the Park  Have a great weekend and try not to channel any clouds of diaphanous mist!  10% OFF TENZO TEA SPECIAL OFFER! After I wrote about Tenzo Tea's awesome matcha green tea a few weeks ago many of you e-mailed me asking about it. I reached out to Steve, the founder of the company, and he agreed to give loyal FF5 readers 10% off any order and make the FF5 an affiliate. Just use THIS LINK and type in the code: JON10. The 3.53 ounce bag should last you at least a month. 

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- Jon


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