Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #28

August 9th, 2018

This profile on Raiders' Head Coach Jon Gruden's right-hand man reminds you that there are a lot of interesting people in this world: Who would have thought that for Jeff Leonardo, working side-by-side with one of the NFL's rock star coaches would be a step down in fame and lifestyle. This great story by the LA Times' Sam Farmer explains how Leonardo spent years on tour as a driver for everyone from the Rolling Stones to Paul McCartney to David Bowie and Alicia Keys. And he's best pals with AC/ hanging with Chuckie at 3:17am is no big deal.  Twenty five dollars that saved my back: I typically use a makeshift standing desk for most of the day (AKA my laptop on a cardboard box on my desk), but when I do choose to sit for a while even the best office chairs bug my lower back. After my wife and I did some research, we found this extremely highly-rated memory foam back cushion from Everlasting Comfort. And it has been a back-saving game-changer.  A frenetic, very interesting podcast on business, fasting, entrepreneurship, failure and twenty other things: Dr. Peter Attia's podcast probably ranks a 10 on the in-the-weeds-fitness/nutrition-nerd scale, so let me warn you up front. But he's super smart and tackles extremely interesting topics. I haven't listened to all of his shows, but this week he had on Tom Bilyeu, founder of Impact Theory and co-founder of Quest Nutrition and, well, it makes you think a lot...about how you think of a lot of things. Confusing, I know. Might not be for everyone, but I enjoyed it. You can listen here.  This app shows running streams and oceans and fireplaces and it seems lame but it's actually kind of awesome: I know there is a cottage industry of meditation apps and stress-relieving apps and apps to help you focus and I've never tried any of them. Luckily, I'm naturally relaxed and if anything, I need to blast Onyx's Slam or DMX to get me amped up. However, two people showed me the Calm app and how just 30 seconds of watching/listening to relaxing scenes from nature seem to help them refocus. So I tried it (for us because we're in this together) and it might be a placebo effect but it definitely did...something good. Try it for yourself.  A tremendous maxim that I recently re-read this week that is funny and true: "As the stamp of great minds is to suggest much in few words, so, contrariwise, little minds have the gift of talking a great deal and saying nothing." - La Rochefoucauld, Maxims  Have a great weekend and may your gift not be the ability to talk a great deal and say nothing!  A BUNCH of you with friends last week and I am truly grateful for all the new FF5 readers!!!  If you haven't shared it, all I ask is that you send this next link to two people who you think would like it. It would mean a ton. THANK YOU:

- Jon


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