Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #36

October 5th, 2018

Want to watch dozens of brown bears devour salmon and do cannonballs into a waterfall LIVE? Who doesn't? The Brooks Falls Live Bear Cam at Katmai National Park is one of the most mesmerizing, awesome peaks into nature you will ever get. The bears are super active during the day and they also have highlights of the best catches on the site like it's a salmon slaughtering SportsCenter. Watch it here.  Interested in a delicious cold brew that will make your eyes tingle? If you actually read the label your eyes should be fine, but I recently grabbed a few cans of Convergent Coffee Company cold brew and unfortunately I glossed over the writing that said it had 3x the caffeine of normal coffee - so I drank it in ten minutes and got all jacked up and had to run outside to hack squat our neighbor's Ford Raptor to burn some energy. You might want to dilute it or not down the whole thing in three gulps. It tastes great and I'm sure I'll enjoy it more when I get the feeling back in my tongue. Check it out here.  Are you as addicted to social media as LeBron James and Steph Curry? This terrific piece by Tom Haberstroh, titled, 'Is Social Media Addiction in the NBA Out of Control?' takes a hard look at how Twitter, Instagram and Facebook have taken over the non-playing lives of NBA stars. In short, if these guys don't have a ball in their hands, they have a smart phone. Great writing and some real insight into how social media effects all of us. Read it now.  An incredible eight-minute mini-documentary on Colonel Gary Steele, the first black football player at West Point: This video is less than ten minutes but stays with you for hours. You can almost feel the character and integrity of Colonel Steele coming through the screen as he shares his life story with added info from his wife and his grown children, who all idolize him. Worth your time to watch.  A really funny bit explaining testosterone from comedian Neal Brennan, whose Netflix special is amazing: "Women, you gotta understand, it’s not even really our fault. It’s testosterone. It’s a creepy hormone. It’s got nothing but bad ideas all day. Women have estrogen. The worst thing estrogen suggests is, “Let’s get some wine and go on Etsy.” Not that bad. Whereas testosterone, everything it wants is against the law. It is like having a prison inmate living inside you." - Neal Brennan  Have a great weekend and fellas, try not to let the prison inmate inside of you out. Ha!  Please send this next link to ONE person who you think would like it. It would mean a ton. THANK YOU:

- Jon


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