Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #39


You're welcome for saving your eyes: Between staring at our phones, our tablets, our computers and our televisions every day we're putting our eyes through an Ironman Triathlon of viewing and a blue light blitz the likes of which the stone age rods and cones we were born with have never seen. I've been looking for a solution to protect my eyes while I write and I found THIS PAIR of glasses for $15 and they're a godsend. I don't get any of the scratchy, sore eyes I normally do after a long writing session and as a bonus, you'll kind of look like Heisenberg from Breaking Bad wearing them.  Do you like scary long form? Since it's almost Halloween I thought I'd share one of the scariest articles I've ever read. It's not "jump out of your seat" scary, it's more like "evil and creepy" scary. The piece is called The Chessboard Killer and it's from GQ a while back. It's a brilliantly written story about a Russian serial killer who has more victims than Dahmer and Son of Sam and any other lunatic you can think of combined. Don't read this alone. Or in the dark.  And now I'll make it up to you. This is the best, most enjoyable six-second video you'll watch all week: Check out the sheer ecstasy and excitement and unbridled enthusiasm of this yellow lab sprinting out of a car and leaping into a TEN FOOT PILE OF LEAVES.  A 100-year old newspaper front page I came across: When the Red Sox won the World Series 100 years ago, this was the cover of the Boston Evening Globe, which sold for 1 cent and had stories about a war ship being torpedoed and a guide for men on how to register for the draft. Thought it was cool now that the Sox are in the series again.

  A tremendously-written sentence warning about overthinking things: "A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts, so he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions." - Alan Watts (Pulled from Ryan Holiday's excellent book, Ego is the Enemy)  Have a great weekend and please don't lose touch with reality and live in a world of illusions!  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!  KNOW ANYONE ELSE WHO'D LIKE TO READ THIS?  

 - Jon


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