Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #41


The app that will end all annoying robo calls to your phone: Over the last few months the amount of calls to my phone from numbers that look like my phone number had become a tech tidal wave of nonsense. I was getting two or three a day UNTIL my wife found the Hiya app. I downloaded it on Monday and not to sound like a cheesy infomercial, but not one call since. And it's free.  Here's a US Army tactic that can help you fall asleep in two minutes: My personal cure for having trouble falling asleep is to get up super early in the morning to exercise (but be careful, you may scare the crap out of a poor Uber guy and this might happen). If that doesn't work for you, this Fast Company article on the method used to teach soldiers how to snooze quickly in battlefield conditions should help you fall asleep in your temperature controlled, dark and quiet bedroom.  A phenomenal Twitter story involving Hollywood and an agent/boss from hell: This story, told via a Twitter thread by author Quinn Cummings about the worst moment of her career working for a big-time LA agent is priceless. Well worth the three-minute read right here.  I'm a sucker for a great magazine feature title and this one's good -The Land That Death Forgot: This story in Men's Health by writer Jim Thornton explores why Iceland has become the home for the world's highest percentage of centenarians, unseating Japan. Some unique insights on living a long life (and why American men's average life span isn't keeping up).  A tremendous anecdote about the need for power: "In a scene in Steven Pressfield's classic novel about Alexander the Great, The Virtues of War, Alexander reaches a river crossing only to be confronted by a philosopher who refuses to move. "This man has conquered the world!" one of Alexander's men shouts. "What have you done?" The philosopher responds, with complete confidence, "I have conquered the need to conquer the world." - Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic  Have a great weekend and good luck conquering your need to conquer the world!  Thanks for reading and please e-mail me your favorite types of recommendations. I appreciate any feedback and if you send me the e-mail address of someone who you think would enjoy the FF5 (with their permission) I'll send you a free bookmark from my last book, The Athlete. Thanks!

 - Jon


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