Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #42


An eye-opening photo of the pre-Rocky, rock bottom depressing room that Sly Stallone lived in while he chased his dream: For three years, the future movie icon lived in what he describes as "an old infested 6’ x 6’ room in a flophouse hotel… I couldn’t afford to buy anything so everything in that room was found on the street." And looking at the picture, Sly was being generous. Excellent reminder that we all have to start somewhere. Here's the photo. The nightstand really ties the room together.  Never worry about screwing up which words to capitalize in a title again: I have a confession to make. Despite all my books and who knows how many hundreds of articles, when it comes to remembering which smaller words to capitalize in a title in which format, occasionally, I can be a moron (thankfully, I work with copy editors who are very smart). I recently found this amazing website called Capitalize My Title. Just type in a title and it does the work for grammar goons like me. Check it out if you need it:  The Story Behind the Greatest Team Introduction of All-Time (Yes, the 90s Bulls): Jake Malooley of The Ringer did a terrific job gathering all of the people behind the iconic chords, light choreography and music that accompanied Jordan and his six championships in Chicago onto the court at the start of games (and the incredible Bulls basketball phone - for those who had it). It's worth reading and certainly worth listening to the introduction for old time's sake here.  An excellent podcast about choosing which ideas to pursue, time management, how to say 'no' and a dozen other things: Seth Godin has written over fifteen New York Times bestselling business books and the host of this podcast, Tim Ferriss, probably has 4 or more best sellers as well, in addition to the millions who listen to his podcasts. I don't listen to every episode, but Godin is brilliant and this episode packs so many actionable tips for almost anyone in any field - it's a must listen.  A clever sentence set-up that I enjoyed: "I know some men who will fight in a cage for money, and I know a couple who will do it just for fun. But I didn't know anyone who would drive with me through Nebraska." - J.D. Daniels, Signs and Wonders, Esquire  Have a great weekend and hopefully you'd rather drive through Nebraska than fight in a cage for money or fun!

- Jon


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