Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #48


I've been a swimmer all of my life and a goal of mine is to be one of those freak 80-year-olds in the pool who can still crank out 50 fly sets like it's nothing: Margot Pettijohn was that swimmer and then some. She holds more world and national records in swimming than Michael Phelps and Mark Spitz combined. She was one of those every day incredible athletes that if you hang around pools (or gyms or whatever sport you're into) long enough, you come across and admire for their work ethic, guts and gumption. Pettijohn was a member of the same Masters swimming team as legendary sports writer John Feinstein - and this piece he wrote about her passing is absolutely worth the read. In an often overlooked age group of an often overlooked sport, it's nice to read how an everyday icon will be remembered. She seemed like she was a fantastic woman.  I apologize. I am 60% confident that I invented the 'New Year, New You' article headline about 20 years ago at Men's Fitness and now every fitness publication on earth uses it at the end of every year. This year is no different and this year's "new" thing is a tie between IF (intermittent fasting) and the Keto Diet (ketogenesis): Because I spent a long time writing for Men's Fitness and Men's Health and Muscle & Fitness and others, people ask me about these diets all the time. I am pretty familiar with both, but not an expert in either (and other than doing IF occasionally after a disgusting day of eating, I follow neither strictly). However, if you're curious, this podcast with Keto guru Dr. Dom D'Agostino is a good intro. His appearances on Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan's shows are probably too in the weeds for beginners, so this one on the Ultimate Health podcast is just right. As for information on Intermittent Fasting, my old colleague and current supplement superstar, Jim Stoppani, has the best explanation and utilization plan I've found. You can read that here.  This is the grossest, yet most scientifically interesting (and stomach-turning) article I read this week: The piece is titled, plainly, yet perfectly: So, Should I Let My Kid Eat Her Boogers. It's from Wired Magazine. It's legitimate. It includes facts like, "we ingest a liter of boogers through our nasal cavity every day." The article is full of nasty (but true) facts and it's kind of a must read for parents whose kids treat dried snot like it's a Chick-Fil-A buffet of nose nuggets.  My new favorite soundtrack to listen to while working out: This soundtrack comes from one of the most awesome movies this year, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. If you haven't seen it yet, go this weekend. And take your kids. Any age. Doesn't matter. If you like comics you'll love the movie... And one of the best things about the movie is the soundtrack. Halfway through the film I had already heard about three songs I thought were great. Then I got home and got the soundtrack and I'd say, conservatively, there are 7 really good songs on it by everyone from Lil Wayne and DJ Khalil to the main title song, What's Up, Danger by Blackway & Black Caviar, which is phenomenal. It's excellent top to bottom and you can get it here.  A tremendous passage from a tremendous essay by James Clear on how to overcome worry: "Wild animals rarely experience chronic stress. As Duke University professor Mark Leary put it, “A deer may be startled by a loud noise and take off through the forest, but as soon as the threat is gone, the deer immediately calms down and starts grazing. And it doesn't appear to be tied in knots the way that many people are.” When you live in an Immediate Return Environment, you only have to worry about acute stressors. Once the threat is gone, the anxiety subsides." - James Clear, The Evolution of Anxiety  Have a great weekend and remember to immediately calm down and start grazing after a threat is gone!  Thank you for reading and as always, any feedback is much appreciated. What did you enjoy reading in the FF5 this year? What do you want to see more of? Or less of? Reply to this e-mail or write me on Twitter HERE.  And please don't forget to share the FF5 with someone who you think would love it. If they sign up now, they'll also get a FREE E-Book of 149 Recommendations. Just copy and paste the link below:

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