Finkel's Fast Five - Issue #51

FINKEL'S FAST FIVE - ISSUE #51 January 18th, 2019

1) My fingers are thick, pudgy and generally resemble Stuart, the middle-sized Minion: As my fellow meathook-handed men know, texting can be painstaking, annoying and inaccurate. I needed a solution. I found one. Apologies to those already on board, but the Gboard from Google has been a game-changer. Took me a few days to get used to swiping instead of typing, but now you can call me the Fox (because of Dora, and Swiper, and if you don't know good for you) and I can text meaningless memes and dad jokes in half the time.  2) Who can resist an article titled "How Not to Be Stupid" that includes something called the 'circle of competence'?: I, for one, could not. Much like Frank the Tank's tree of trust in Old School, the idea of a circle of competence (and whether I could climb in it or out of it) completely piqued my curiosity. The article, from Shane Parrish's blog, is fascinatingly complex as it zeroes in on why we do dumb things. There are 7 factors, and as each one is included in a situation, our likelihood of being morons increases. Find out the seven factors here.  3) The average NBA team travels over 43,500 miles a year, not including the 1,000 miles James Harden travels on the court. Hey oh! Couldn't resist. I found out this information from a cool article by Baxter Holmes on the insane amount of caffeine NBA players have begun consuming to counter act the sleep-deprivation, time zone changes and overall tiredness. It focuses mostly on the team that flies the most miles (Portland - 540k miles in the last ten years) and makes some good points about coffee vs. energy drinks, Kobe vs. caffeine and more. Check it out here.  4) I've been letting my kids watch Avengers: Infinity War twenty minutes at a time before bed so it's actually taking close to infinity to watch. It all started with my son seeing the original Infinity Gauntlet comic book at the store and asking about it. I told him it was the comic the newest movies were "loosely" based on and we flipped through it. I hadn't actually looked at it since grade school and now that we're almos to End Game, it's very cool. The movie is different but even seeing the comic of Thanos and the crew is awesome. You can flip through a little of it on Amazon here.  5) A tremendous passage that makes us realize how we can mess up our posture with crappy walking technique - and some tips to fix it: "The next time you walk, think of it as a mindful adventure. Begin by straightening your frame so that it is tall, yet relaxed, and breathe from the diaphragm. Gently lean forward from the ankles, and propel yourself into the walk. Think of your leg as a paddle that you place on the ground. Lead from the torso, not from the head...." - Run For Your Life, Mark Cucuzzella, M.D.  Have a great weekend and remember, lead with your torso!  Thank you for reading! Any and all feedback is much appreciated. Reply to this e-mail or write me on Twitter HERE.

- Jon



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