💪Finkel's Fast Five - Issue 95

ISSUE #95 - November 22nd, 2019


PODCASTS - If you're at all interested in sports radio and morning shows, you'll enjoy this podcast where Jim Rome interviews LA morning legends Kevin & Bean, all of whom just got inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame last week.  I'm sure almost all of you know who Rome is, so you're welcome for the vine, enjoy the Smack Off and give yourself a tongue (if you have no idea what those phrases mean, then you can move on). Kevin and Bean, on the other hand, I understand if you may not have heard of outside of LA. Bottom line, they were the #1 morning show in LA for 30 years on KROQ, and they helped launch Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Carolla, Matt "Money" Smith and a bunch of other careers. Rome and Kevin & Bean all started their shows in 1990 and this podcast covers their careers, how they broke out and has some really great insider stories.


STRENGTH - My right shoulder clicks and gets stiff and tight sometimes. I've found some stretches over the years that help and whenever I've shared them, many of you (more than I would have thought) write me saying that the stretches helped. So I found this easy resistance band routine that has helped lessen the shoulder crunching we all get from time to time.  This short video from Onnit shows about 5 exercises, but for me, the middle two really help, especially the 'Lying External Rotation' stretch. For whatever reason, that one is so difficult for me and seems to counteract exactly what's been wrong with my rotation and flexibility. Maybe a different stretch will work for you, but thought this might help all my fellow shoulder soldiers. And if not, I'll just shrug.... Ahhh, get it, the exercise. Shoulder humor is the best.


BOOKS - Reading about politics and politicians is insufferable and exhausting 99.9% of the time...the point-one percent that it's not is when Hunter S. Thompson does it.  In particular, his book Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72, reads almost like a towering piece of fiction, except that the central characters are George McGovern and Richard Nixon and the race for the White House in 1971 and 1972. In probably every other writer's hands, this book would be ignored and long-forgotten, but with Thompson at the helm, digging and crashing and smashing his way through the '72 election, the book is entertaining and is an incredible glimpse into what actually happens behind the scenes of a campaign. Also, you know, there are some truly brilliant passages.


COMEDY - Legendary interviewer Larry King turned 86 this week and people were posting their favorite clips from his career on social media and this one, by far, is mine.  The video is only one-minute, but it is an exchange between King and Jerry Seinfeld right after Seinfeld went off the air. King has done zero research and is clearly winging the interview, to the point that he thinks Seinfeld was cancelled...and Jerry's reaction and digs at King are sooooo good. Also, as I mention in the post, when Jerry pauses and says, "you're not aware of this?" about his show being #1, it is every conversation many of us have with every older person about anything that happened on Twitter.


A QUOTE ABOUT BEING FUNNY  "You can't study comedy; it's within you. It's a personality. My humor is an attitude."  — Don Rickles

Thank you for reading!! And thanks to everyone who has bought Jocks in Chief so far. Early this week we ranked higher than The Federalist Papers, written by a guy named Alexander Hamilton and his buddies... So that was pretty awesome.

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