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💪For Platinum-Level Finkel's Fast Five Readers Only

This e-mail is for my platinum-level Finkel's Fast Five Readers and I send it with a gift.

I recently bought my son boxing gloves and myself a pair of mitts and every day at 5:30 after homeschool (AKA, watch TV all day but not too much TV until I feel guilty then we go to the beach or the park and then you hopefully read something while I work) my boy and I train in the sweet science. He's learning jabs, crosses, uppercuts and what he likes to call the Little Mac Smash after Little Mac from the original Mike Tyson's 'Punch Out' but really from the new Nintendo Switch game Smash Bros. His hands are getting fast. My mitt work is basically Freddie Roach level at this point.   Anyway, after one session last week my son asked me what my favorite boxing books were and I started reeling a few off. They were adult books, of course, but I have them so I was showing him the pages and the pictures. Then he asked me about my favorite sports books overall... And that one got a little harder because I've read about a zillion.  Then he had a great idea. I should write down my list of my favorite sports books so that when he's old enough to read them the list will be ready.  Genius! So I started jotting them down and wrote what I liked about each book and I realized that you, my loyal FF5 readers, are actually already old enough to read all of the books (I think) so I made a book of books and that's what I'm sending you for free now.  And so, without further adieu, here it is. If you ever need a sports book recommendation, this has you covered. Click on the link below to get my PDF of my 46 Favorite Sports Books of All-Time:  Finkel's 46 Favorite Sports Books


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