Take Two and Write Finkel a 📚👊Review

If you have two minutes to write a review of The Athlete on Amazon we'll be best buds.

Authors thrive on three things: Book sales. Reviews and... Well, really book sales and reviews. So, two things... If you've bought The Athlete and you loved it, please CLICK HERE and let everyone on Amazon know how much you enjoyed the book. After you click, scroll to the 'stars' section and click where it says 'write a review'. That's it.   And if you haven't read The Athlete yet, why not? Here's all you need to know about it: THE ATHLETE.

Thank you so much for your support. I know it seems like no big deal, but good reviews on Amazon are important and I need good people like you to post them.  Once more, here's the link: REVIEW (OR BUY) THE ATHLETE NOW.  Thanks!  - Jon


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