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  • 💪Walter Payton's Last TD, Andrew Dice Clay's Lost Variety Ad, Swimmers vs. Runners, a PDF hack and more...

💪Walter Payton's Last TD, Andrew Dice Clay's Lost Variety Ad, Swimmers vs. Runners, a PDF hack and more...

ISSUE #63 - April 12h, 2019


COMEDY - There is no greater antithesis to the current "safe space" generation than the megawatt, arena-filling, pop-culture consuming act Andrew Dice Clay performed in the late '80s.   Despite the fact that Dice's comedy pushed boundaries and had an equal number of male and female fans, if you even think the rest of his classic "Jack and Jill" joke and punchline in 2019, you might be cancelled from Twitter. If you don't know what I'm referring to, look it up. But behind his act (after all, it was an act), Dice was the hardest working comedian of his time and a master in self motivation. This week he posted an ad on Instagram that he took out in Variety in 1988 (for himself) to make sure everyone knew the tidal wave of Dice was coming. It's in rhyming form, and it's awesome.


 NOSTALGIA - With Dirk Nowitzki and Dwyane Wade getting their career send-offs this week, I realized that there were very few "last games" or "last shots" or "last touchdowns" that I remember so I went in search of some more.  I found a bunch and I'll share them in the future, but I came across footage of Walter Payton's last touchdown in Chicago and it was pretty special. His celebration and the crowd exploding (despite sub-zero temps) was really cool. Thought you all might enjoy it here.


FITNESS - We've all heard the phrase "heart of a champion" and we know what it means, but we don't know what a champion's heart physically looks like. I mean, we know what a heart looks like, but science is uncovering differences between the hearts of people who perform different activities on a regular basis.  In this cool piece by Gretchen Reynolds, she explains how doctors are examining the hearts of swimmers and runners to determine their differences, both physically and perfromance-wise, as well as how it affects their lives and output. I find the idea that different sports affect (and shape) the heart to be fascinating and I really enjoyed this read. Also, start swimming!


TECHNOLOGY - I am not a tech person and I often find myself Googling workarounds for things that are probably simple to tech people, although technically we're all tech people now, but whatever. I found a very easy PDF/contract signing hack for your phone.  If you've ever had to send a signed document to someone in PDF form and you're not near a scanner, you've probably thought about using your camera phone. For a one-page document, that's fine. For a multiple page document, it's a huge pain and might require an app... Until now. I got your back. I found this super short (2 minute) article explaining how to turn any photo or set of photos (even photos of documents) into a PDF. If you already knew how, good for you... If not, here you go.


A TREMENDOUS INSULT THAT YOU CAN SAY AROUND KIDS:  Apple-knocker: An ignorant or unsophisticated person...a moron.  I was doing some research for an article and I came across this phrase that I never heard before. I'm not sure of its origin but I checked with Dictionary.com and it's a real phrase. And I love it. It actually feels good to say if you're a little annoyed or want to call your kids out for doing something dumb... And there are no bad words in it and it sounds silly... So... I'm in. If you're out and about this weekend and you hear someone say to their kids, "C'mon guys, stop being such apple-knockers!" then that guy will be me.


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