Q&A w/ 'Billy the Kid' author Ryan Coleman, Arnold's Commando Log Lift & VIDEO: a 6' Vertical Leap you have to see...
Robbie's 228-foot jump over the Grand Canyon, Johnny Knoxville, David Copperfield and Evel's legacy...
Pomp's 'How to Live an Extraordinary Life', Guessing Captain America's Bench Press & "Mean" Joe Greene's Life Lessons
The Werewolf Lawyer, Gronk's Home Gym and my VIDEO TOUR of the Swimming Hall of Fame Pool
206 Bones & Evel Broke'em All, Lying to Everyone & Arnold's BIG Arms Supersets
David Morrell's 2nd Masterpiece, 9,250 Pull-Ups in 24 Hours, the Macho Man Workout Machine and...
Young Bob Knievel's Thieving, Butte, Montana & the Hex Bar Landmine Super Set
Q&A with Bonnie Tsui, Ryan Holiday Essay, VIDEO: James Harrison's #1 Shoulder Lift
Excellent Evel Knievel Bio, VIDEO: How to Do a 1-Arm Pull-Up, Tom Brady's weak bench and more...
Michael Crichton Top 5, Lex on 10 and Billionaire Tim PLUS: Weekly Workout
Q&A with Endure Author Alex Hutchinson, Top 4 WWE Workout Theme Songs, VIDEO: Best Core Exercise
Swimming T-Rex, Super Dad Dr. Grant, the REAL Jurassic Hero and the new Biceps idea